Friday Favourites

  1. Friday Favourites #countrysideonfilm

    Spring is here, and summer is around the corner. What better time to share your #countrysideonfilm for this weeks #fridayfavourites.             NEXT WEEK’S THEME #Getclose – Looking for shallow depth of field. Use the #’s #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #Getclose and remember to tell us which of our films you used. COMING […]

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  2. Friday Favourites #hometown

    We chose #hometown to be this weeks theme for #fridayfavourites. This was a chance to share photographs all of your hometowns. Where we live is all different in their own unique ways.           NEXT WEEK’S THEME #countrysideonfilm – Landscape, walks, fresh air! Give us a glimpse of your countryside. Use the […]

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  3. Friday Favourites #posedfilm

    #posedfilm was this weeks #Fridayfavourites theme. Showing us how movement can be experimental through portrait and still life. Any image where you have set the shot up before shooting counts.               NEXT WEEK’S THEME #hometown – Share shots of where you live. Use the #’s #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #hometown and […]

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  4. Friday Favourites #filmpinhole

    This weeks #fridayfavourites theme had to be #filmpinhole, as it was World Pinhole Photography on the 24th of April. No time better than now to celebrate and share all of your pinhole photography. Just a reminder! Use our hashtags #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites plus that week’s tag, but also don’t forget to let us know which film […]

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  5. Friday Favourites #happyfilm

    We chose #happyfilm to be our #Fridayfavourites theme. We often hear that shooting film is therapeutic for some people. Being able to visually share what makes you happy was so lovely to see this week. Makes us happy, to see that all of you are enjoying our film as much as we do. Just a […]

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  6. Friday Favourites #Streetshots

    This week’s theme for #Fridayfavourites was #streetshots. What another strong week it has been. We have had so many amazing street shots entered. Once again it has been extremely difficult to narrow them down.     @apkeedle Replying to @ILFORDPhoto I have no idea what streetphotography is other than I’m rubbish at it! A few […]

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