Friday Favourites

  1. Friday Favourites #filmfathers

    This Sunday is Father’s Day here in the UK so in a nod to that we asked you to share shots of your Dads for this week’s #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #filmfathers theme.       Our next theme #sunnyfilm – A straightforward theme as we head towards Summer. Let’s see those shots in the sun! Coming […]

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  2. Friday Favourites #meonfilm

    We asked you to step outside of your comfort zone this week and get in front of the camera for once for our #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #meonfilm theme.  You are certainly a creative bunch! We’ve never seen so many photos of people that don’t really show them:) The ones we’ve chosen are the ones that show […]

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  3. Friday Favourites #FFheight

    Another great week for #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites with plenty of great #ffheight images to choose from. Thank you to everyone who shared with us on Twitter and Instagram. These are our favourites this week       NEXT WEEK THEME #meonfilm Lots of us spend more time behind the camera than in front. That needs to […]

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  4. Friday Favourites #filmbokeh

    ‘The way the lens renders out-of-focus points of light’ or #filmbokeh was the theme for this week’s #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites.          Next week’s theme #ffheight Have you dragged your large format camera up a mountain or, leaned precariously close to the edge to capture a shot?  Now’s your chance to share them with […]

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  5. Friday Favourites #funonfilm

    We all enjoy shooting film. This week for our #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #funonfilm theme we asked you to share that joy and share shots of people having fun. Or, shots or prints that you had fun making.   This cool stop animation was created by @thedarkshed on #ilfordfp4     Next week’s theme Next week we’re […]

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  6. Friday Favourites #alternatedev

    A chance for those of you who prefer non-traditional methods of film development to share your images for this week’s #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #alternatedev theme.     NEXT WEEK #FUNONFILM We all enjoy shooting film. This week we want you to share that joy with shots of people having fun. Or, shots or prints that you […]

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