Friday Favourites

  1. Friday Favourites #ffpinhole

    As last Sunday was World Pinhole Photography Day we thought is only fitting that this week’s #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites theme honored this with #ffpinhole. Over 100 images were shared with us this week and we’ve had a great time this morning choosing our favourites.       NEXT WEEK #alternatedev Developed your film in in coffee […]

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  2. Friday Favourites #worshipfilm

    Around the world there are some stunningly beautiful places and buildings used as places or worship. We asked you to share your shots of these sacred spots for this week’s #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #worshipfilm theme.     @billthoo Heian Shrine #Kyoto June 2019 #fp4 #mamiya6 + 50/4 #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #worshipfilm #japan #shootfilmbenice #believeinfilm     Thank […]

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  3. Friday Favourites #springinbandw

    The sun is shining and then it’s snowing! A typical start to Spring here in the UK.  For today’s #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites we asked you to show us your Spring using #springinbandw.           Thank you to everybody for sharing again this week. We do look at every shot that come in with […]

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  4. Friday Favourites #Fiercefilm

    A tough theme for today’s #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites with #fiercefilm. There were so many great interpretations, these are our favourites. Don’t forget you can share on Twitter / Instagram or in our online gallery. (Or all three!) As long as your use the #’s we will see your shots.           NEXT WEEK […]

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  5. Friday Favourites #carsonfilm

    This week’s #carsonfilm has to be one of the most popular #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites themes that we’ve had. I’m obviously not the only one with a love of shooting cars! It’s taken a long while this morning to choose just 5 from the huge number of images that you have shared with us, and we’ve enjoyed […]

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  6. Friday Favourites #buildingsonfilm

    A seemingly simple theme of #buildingsonfilm for our #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites this week, but one with lots of room for creativity. There were some really interesting shots shared, making our job of choosing just five(ish)  all the more difficult.     NEXT WEEK #carsonfilm I’m really looking forward to this one, whether it’s a shiny new […]

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Items 127 to 132 of 284 total
