
  1. Friday Favourites #filmfreedom

    For this weeks #fridayfavourites, we allowed any shot made on our ILFORD or KENTMERE films can be entered for #filmfreedom.       Next week Next week’s them is #unusualshot – Let us see something different. A shot taken from an unusual angle or perspective. Use the #’s #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #fimfreedom and remember to tell […]

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  2. How I Got This Picture - Trevor Hong

    We recently shared Trevor Hong’s photograph ‘The Last Empress of Vietnam’ on our Instagram and the response was fantastic so we got in touch to find our how he made it. Technical Info – Film Used ILFORD Delta 100 Format 4×5 Large Format Camera Toyo 4×5 Lens Schneider Kreuznach 150mm f/5.6 Exposure Time 1/30th second […]

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  3. Friday Favourites #fixedfocus

    For this week’s #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites we asked you to share shots taken with a #fixedfocus camera or lens.     @panchromaholic  Technically my Horizon 202 is a #fixedfocus camera 😉 #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites  ? Horizon 202 ? Ilford Delta 400   Next week Next week’s them is #filmfreedom Any shot made on our ILFORD or KENTMERE […]

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  4. Medium Format fashion

    Distractions To A Minimum Whether I’m taking pictures of friends, my dogs, travel, a model, or a movie star, my goal is to make the process as simple as possible, and to keep my distractions to a minimum. While on set of a campaign shoot a few weeks ago, I was having a conversation with […]

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  5. Friday Favourites #symmetry

    Thank you to everyone who submitted images for this weeks #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites. You all have sent in such a mixture of #symmetry images. Symmetry is rare to come by everyday, but  also being able to capture on film is even better. Take a look who has been featured this week. Remember, if both halves are […]

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  6. In Flux

    Waves Of raw Emotion The pandemic hit me in the same sudden and devastating way as most people I knew. Without warning, the world as we knew it came to a screeching halt and there was nothing anyone could do about it. During the first few weeks my friends and I rode waves of raw […]

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