
  1. Becoming the Camera - Thoughts on Photograms

    During lockdown I rekindled my love of making photograms. It happened naturally after a summer of making cyanotypes. I was also making emulsions out of plants. My garden became a temporary darkroom. With a photogram – you expose your paper to light (sunlight for photograms), with an object on top, and the area underneath the […]

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  2. Behind The Film - Alex Hancock

    Interview number four in our Behind the Film series is with International Sales Manager and relative film newbie Alex Hancock. Who are you? What’s your job title HARMAN technology and how long have you worked here? I am Alex Hancock and my role is International Account Manager. I’ve been with HARMAN for 3 years now. […]

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  3. Friday favourites #35mmhp5

    As expected, you shared a fantastic selection of shots for this simple #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites theme of #35mmhp5. It's easy to see why it's our most popular film.       NEXT THEME #doubleexposure - Accidental or on purpose - Show us your double exposure shots this week. Coming soon To give you time to plan […]
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  4. Friday Favourites #filmmemories

    All photographs are memories, a snapshot in time. Albums are great for looking back over places visited and people now missed. For this week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #filmmemories theme we ask you to share shots that invoke memories for you.         NEXT WEEK #35mmhp5 - Our most versatile film and one that a […]
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  5. Prioritizing Peace in my Prints (and my Life)

    Taking Risks Through a series of what felt like small and inconsequential life choices I have found myself recently in positions where the logical course of action involved putting my health and even my life at risk, in service of making photographs. I, like many others I'm sure, want to be a great photographer. To […]
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  6. In Focus - Ribsy

    Perhaps best known for his engaging YouTube content and Instagram channel, this week we talked to Ribsy about his film photography SECTION 1 - BACKGROUND Share your favourite image / print shot on ILFORD film and tell us what it means to you? This is my favorite image shot on Ilford film (FP4). This shot […]
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Items 277 to 282 of 604 total
