
  1. Behind the Film - Neil Hibbs

    In week three of our behind the film series we're heading to our technical department to meet our Technical Service Manager Neil Hibbs. Who are you? What’s your job title HARMAN technology and how long have you worked here? Neil Hibbs – Technical and Lab Services manager Tell us a little about your day to […]
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  2. Friday Favourites #meonfilm

    We asked you to step outside of your comfort zone this week and get in front of the camera for once for our #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #meonfilm theme.  You are certainly a creative bunch! We've never seen so many photos of people that don't really show them:) The ones we've chosen are the ones that show […]
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  3. In Focus - Chris Garner

    One of the things that we're enjoying about this series is that it lets us find out more about the photographers that you follow and are interested in. This week's interviewee Chris Garner, was nominated by Joseph Patrick, who in turn was nominated by Laura E Partain. Who's nomination came from Sandy Phimester. Section 1 […]
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  4. Friday Favourites #FFheight

    Another great week for #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites with plenty of great #ffheight images to choose from. Thank you to everyone who shared with us on Twitter and Instagram. These are our favourites this week       NEXT WEEK THEME #meonfilm Lots of us spend more time behind the camera than in front. That needs to […]
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  5. Fast Thoughts at the Deep End

    The first roll It is January 31st, 2020. I’ve arrived in London to document the events surrounding the UK leaving the EU. Many groups were converging on Parliament Square for this historic day. My usual workflow was interrupted when fellow documentary photographer Simon King called me aside and handed me a Nikon FG, 55mm f/3.5, […]
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  6. Behind The Film – Becky Carr

    We're letting you back behind the film again to meet some of the passionate people who are part of making the products that you love. This time we talk to Becky and she shares some of her film photography with us. INTRODUCTION Who are you? What’s your job title HARMAN technology and how long have […]
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