
  1. Where the Rain Clouds Gather

    In this blog article, Kit Young provides insight into his latest book, Where the Rain Clouds Gather (OD Books) , which was made entirely from scanning hand-made silver gelatin prints. The Concept At times the past year has raced past in a haze. Streets have emptied and we have retreated to our cocoons. Cooped up. […]
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  2. Friday Favourites #worshipfilm

    Around the world there are some stunningly beautiful places and buildings used as places or worship. We asked you to share your shots of these sacred spots for this week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #worshipfilm theme.     @billthoo Heian Shrine #Kyoto June 2019 #fp4 #mamiya6 + 50/4 #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #worshipfilm #japan #shootfilmbenice #believeinfilm     Thank […]
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  3. Ortho and Oil paint

    Why Film? Since 2016 I’ve messed around with film casually alongside digital. Early 2020, COVID-19 forced me to return a year early from a mission trip in Colombia and completely restart my life from zero. I couldn’t afford a digital camera like the one I sold to go on the trip but, my good experiences […]
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  4. In Focus - Michael Watson

    Number 37 in this series, which started a year ago as the Lockdown Sessions, sees us finding out more about Michael Watson. Nominated by Ryan Loco, Michael is a photographer based out of Des Moines who primarily shoots musicians and pro wrestlers. Share your favourite image / print shot on ILFORD film and tell us […]
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  5. Friday Favourites #springinbandw

    The sun is shining and then it's snowing! A typical start to Spring here in the UK.  For today's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites we asked you to show us your Spring using #springinbandw.           Thank you to everybody for sharing again this week. We do look at every shot that come in with […]
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  6. Into the ether

    365 Days A year is a period of time. It is 365 days. There have been many renditions of the calendar throughout human history, but it wasn't until 1582, when Pope Gregory pointed out a flaw in Julius Caesar's calendar, when we would receive our current amalgamation of determining time, the Gregorian calendar. Pope Gregory […]
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Items 307 to 312 of 604 total
