
  1. Friday Favourites #myfavouritefilm

    So many beautiful shots to choose from for this week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #myfavouritefilm theme. It seems you all have your favourites and after looking at some of the images that you shared with us, we can see why.         Thank you to everybody who shared images with us for this week's theme. […]
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  2. The Search for Less

    It’s weird, if not taboo to tell someone that I learnt to shoot digital before learning how to shoot film. I guess this may be the case for many of us in the digital era of photography. My journey into photography is what I like to call a beautiful accident or a series of fortunate […]
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  3. Friday favourites #lightonfilm

    This week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites theme of #lightonfilm had you sharing a huge range of shots. Here are some of our favourites.         NEXT WEEK There won't be a #fridayfavourites next week due to holidays.  Just for fun why not share your #scaryfilm shots, (and we don't mean Kodak!)  We'll retweet some throughout […]
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  4. In Focus Max Bedov

    As well as being a photographer and darkroom printer, our 27th 'In Focus' interviewee Max Bedov also custom makes darkroom equipment based on his years of experience. Background Share your favourite image / print shot on ILFORD film and tell us what it means to you? This frame was taken in Provence on Ilford film […]
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  5. Friday Favourites #autumnonfilm

    Once it hits October the days get cooler and the trees start to drop their leaves here in the UK. We know this is different around the world so for this week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites we asked you to share shots that show #autumnonfilm where you are.       NEXT WEEK #lightonfilm The main 'ingredient' […]
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  6. Postcard From The City That Sleeps

    An Englishman in New York As an Englishman in New York, I have always been in awe of the city I now call home. You could be uptown at a swanky Park Ave dinner party one moment and in a raucous Lower East Side dive bar sinking $3 PBR lagers the next. It is just […]
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