
  1. In Focus - Lina Bessonova

    Lina Bessonova is a passionate film photographer and darkroom printer. She shares her love of photography and printing on her popular YouTube channel as well as through workshops and lectures. One of her recent videos shows how easy setting up a darkroom can be in a small space. BACKGROUND SHARE YOUR FAVOURITE IMAGE / PRINT […]
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  2. Friday Favourites #shotonsheet

    There has been a great response and lots of fantastic images shared with us for this week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #shotonsheet theme. d_atk "Signs" shot on ILFORD HP5+ sheet film with a Polaroid 110A camera. The mean sign is not far from my home in Tonawanda, NY. The cool signs were taken in Alexandria, VA.#shotonsheet #ilfordphoto […]
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  3. Processing XP2S in black and white chemistry

    Earlier this year my go-to black and white film of choice had its priced hiked astronomically, making it an un-affordable option for my daily choice. I set about exploring some different options, which included revisiting HP5 (a film, I must confess heretically that I have never gelled with), pushing FP4 to 400, Foma 400 and […]
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  4. Friday Favourites #shotonHP5

    Thank you to everybody that shared shots with us for this week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #shotonHP5. So many amazing images to choose from and it is clear you all love HP5 as much as we do! The versatility of it shows in how and what you have captured! We even have a couple of Holga shots […]
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  5. In Focus – Shima Rastin

    For interview number 18 in our Lockdown Sessions / In Focus series we are delighted to introduce you to Shima Rastin, a passionate film photographer from Iran. BACKGROUND SHARE YOUR FAVOURITE IMAGE / PRINT SHOT ON ILFORD FILM AND TELL US WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU? If we have not confronted the Covid-19 pandemic, and […]
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  6. Sirkhane Darkroom

    An empowering project Sirkhane Darkroom is a mobile analog photography workshop for refugee, local and vulnerable children on the Turkish, Syrian and Iraqi border in Mardin City. It’s an empowering project that brings together children from different backgrounds through photography. It’s also a project that shows the world photos taken by non-adult photographers, photographs from […]
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Items 439 to 444 of 668 total
