
  1. Lights, Camera, Rock 'n' Roll

    A Photographic Love Affair My love affair for photography was born out of my passion for music. In 1990, when I was 18, my late father took me camera shopping at the local mall because I thought it would be fun to photograph rock stars. He helped me select a beautiful Nikon SLR that I quickly […]
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  2. Friday Favourites #patterns

    There are patterns everywhere that we look from urban architecture to the natural world. You shared a diverse range of shots with us for this week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #patterns theme. These are our favourites.           Next week We're using one of your suggestions for next week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites with #depthoffield. I'm […]
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  3. Photographing the Empordalia Wine Cooperative

    Chris Cheetham has recently carried out a photographic project for the Empordàlia wine cooperative, situated in the beautiful, mountainous region of Catalonia. Rustic Detail The project was inspired when Chris was purchasing a bottle of wine from the wine cooperative “Empordàlia” and saw all of the old wine making equipment at the back of the […]
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  4. Friday Favourites #smiles

    This week we asked you to make us #smile for our #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites. And what a way to brighten up a gloomy Friday afternoon... #smile for the camera everybody!!         Next week We're looking for #patterns for next week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites. Share with us on social media or via our online gallery […]
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  5. Friday favourites #lines

    A few weeks ago we asked for your suggestions for future themes for #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites. You gave us some great ideas and we will be using some of them over the coming weeks.  You can see our favourites from this week's theme of #lines below.         Next week We all draw our […]
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  6. Somewhere Nowhere

    In the midst of ever more sophisticated technology we live with the illusion of saving time by doing things with more speed, and increasingly relying on computers: programmes work out difficult problems, they plan for us, think for us. Files, servers and systems store information for us, including photographs - hundreds of millions of photographs. […]
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