
  1. The London Series

    Balance Like many photographers these days, I balance a busy day job alongside a family life. I try to be good a community member, share my thoughts and experiences and sometimes, perhaps, inspire one or two. In the background I have long held an aspiration to become a successful professional photographer, something i'm still working […]
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  2. Friday Favourites #lockdown

    As many places around the world are starting to ease the strictest of lockdown restrictions, for this week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites we asked you to share shots that show what #lockdown has meant to you.           NEXT WEEK #nighttime This is one for those of you who prefer faster film or have […]
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  3. Lockdown Sessions Jahan Saber

    Is it really 10 weeks since we started this series? It feels so much shorter than that.  If you have an Instagram account we are sure that you will recognise our 10th interviewee Jahan Saber, if not by his name then by his tag @doyoudevelop.  Jahan was nominated to take part by Dan Rubin in […]
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  4. Shooting Infared and extended red film - A guide

    Shooting Infrared film Infrared photography has always been a unique and niche art form, allowing a photographer to capture images seemingly from another dimension. I say niche because capturing that "perfect" image requires a different approach to pre-visualizing your scene, an understanding of the limitations of infrared and the ability to adjust your settings effectively for […]
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  5. Friday Favourites #escapewithfilm

    We all have a favourite place that we head to when we have the chance to escape for a while. For this week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #escapewithfilm film theme we asked you to share images of yours.         NEXT WEEK #LOCKDOWN For next weeks #ilfordphoto #fidayfavourites we want to see you shots taken […]
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  6. Barcelona

    Familiar Places It's interesting to look with new eyes those places you're familiar with or have been before, that sidestreet you pass by every day after going outside the metro station can become a source of inspiration and even a breath of fresh air if you just pay attention to its surroundings. I traveled from […]
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