
  1. Shooting Infared and extended red film - A guide

    Shooting Infrared film Infrared photography has always been a unique and niche art form, allowing a photographer to capture images seemingly from another dimension. I say niche because capturing that "perfect" image requires a different approach to pre-visualizing your scene, an understanding of the limitations of infrared and the ability to adjust your settings effectively for […]
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  2. Friday Favourites #escapewithfilm

    We all have a favourite place that we head to when we have the chance to escape for a while. For this week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #escapewithfilm film theme we asked you to share images of yours.         NEXT WEEK #LOCKDOWN For next weeks #ilfordphoto #fidayfavourites we want to see you shots taken […]
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  3. Barcelona

    Familiar Places It's interesting to look with new eyes those places you're familiar with or have been before, that sidestreet you pass by every day after going outside the metro station can become a source of inspiration and even a breath of fresh air if you just pay attention to its surroundings. I traveled from […]
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  4. Lockdown Sessions Ashley Carr

    This week for our 9th Lockdown Session we spoke to Ashley Carr, who you may remember was nominated by Hamish Gill in week two. Ashley is a well know member of the film community and is always happy to share his thoughts and experience. SECTION 1 - THE BEGINNING SHARE YOUR FAVOURITE IMAGE / PRINT […]
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  5. Friday Favourites #lyricsandfilm

    Sometimes when you look at a picture it brings a specific song or lyric to mind even if it wasn't intentionally shot with that purpose. These are the images that we asked you to share with us this week for our #lyricsandfilm #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites.           NEXT WEEK #ESCAPEWITHFILM As some of […]
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  6. Lockdown Sessions Guy Berryman

    Guy's Instagram caught our eye, with it's mix of 'camera porn', black and white film shots, and classic cars. We knew he was busy preparing for the launch of his clothing label, Ratino, later this year as well as publishing his quarterly car journal The Road Rat, so we were really pleased when he agreed […]
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