
  1. Photographing Goodwood

    An object of beauty I have just been asked to explain why I use film to make many of my images….. well the simple answer is ‘I like the process….I love the total engagement film gives me. Working out how many rolls to take, what size film to take, packing it all up and hoping […]
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  2. Friday Favourites #silvergelatin

    We asked  for all things #silvergelatin for this week's#ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites. We see so many inventive people out there making beautiful images both in and out of the darkroom and wanted to showcase some of them here.     @jconnellyphotos Spending more time with toners in the darkroom, my gold toner is now exhausted.. 🙁 Selenium […]
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  3. Lockdown Sessions: Aislinn Chuahiock

    When we held our first Lockdown Session with Emulsive, we asked him who he'd like to see us interview in future and he suggested the very lovely Aislinn. (AKA The Film Pusher). SECTION 1 - THE BEGINNING SHARE YOUR FAVOURITE IMAGE / PRINT SHOT ON ILFORD FILM AND TELL US WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU? […]
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  4. The Inherent Community in Printing

    Selfish process? It can sometimes feel that many steps in my photography process are selfish. Some of these I can take as positive, for example the way I now truly photograph for myself and not to please others. (Aside from client based assignments), as was the case when I was locked into the social media […]
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  5. Friday Favourites #wppd20

    Worldwide Pinhole Photography falls on Sunday 26th April this year, so an #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites theme of #wppd2020 celebrating this seemed apt. We really hope that some of you will take a pinhole shot on Sunday and then upload it to the WPPD website.       NEXT WEEK We're looking for all things #silvergelatin for […]
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  6. Lockdown Sessions: Joe Brook

    If you've ever held any interest in skateboarding then we're sure that you'll recognise Joe Brook, our third victim interviewee for the Lockdown Sessions.  Joe also featured in one of our 1st ILFORD Inspires videos. (You can find the link in his bio below). SECTION 1 - THE BEGINNING Share your favourite image / print […]
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