
  1. An Analogue Education

    A Revelation Just south of Sydney sitting on one of Australia’s most pristine coastlines you’ll find the regional city of Wollongong. Nestled within this city of surfers, coal miners and steelworkers you’ll find a group of students creating big things in a small darkroom. ‘Mez, I’ve been thinking a lot… I want to be a […]

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  2. A Rolleiflex Camera + ILFORD HP5+: A Passport to Human Connection

    Say Hello Few people feel comfortable striking up a conversation with a person they haven’t previously met. I refrain from using the word “stranger” because the way I see it, we’re all fellow humans, potential acquaintances, possible friends. And who says they’re any stranger than I am? After all, I’m the one going up to […]

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  3. Venice Is A Lady

    Dancing in the rhythm of the waves The dark, silky, smooth waters of the canals are silent now, only a few late boats are disturbing the lights that are dancing in the rhythm of the waves. Where there were armies of city guests, only a few hours ago, clucking happily excited about everything and nothing, […]

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  4. Multiple exposures as a medium

    Happy Accidents For most people in the film community, double exposures are accidents. Happy accidents, sometimes, for sure, but accidents nonetheless. Of course, some people do film swaps, I’ve done a few and embraced the chaos of the results, but I never got an image out of a film swap that I truly loved. And […]

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  5. Taking a Double Exposure

    The lessons I’ve learnt I would like to start this blog by stating that I consider myself a relatively inexperienced photographer. I’ve been taking film photos for around eight years and have only ever done so as a hobby. However, something I have spent many of those eight years doing is experimenting with double exposures. […]

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  6. Burning the midnight oil with ILFORD HP5+ 400 @1600

    Back in August 2000 Last time I have attended a night concert was back in August 2000, Bon Jovi playing at the old Wembley Arena. Great times, really great; but as with all good times, that concert was the last one for me. Life got in the way, and what with this and that, I […]

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