
  1. The Outlaw Project

    The Outlaw Project shooting portraits with a large format camera The Outlaw Project, was inspired by Edward Sheriff Curtis, the 19th Century photographer, known for his portraits of native Americans, shot with a large format camera. In 2011, Peter acquired a giant copy camera, made by Sidney R. Littlejohn Co., in the East end of […]

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  2. Shooting through time, a journey to the Jurrasic Coast.

    Heading West Last September my family and I headed west. It had been a few years since we’d visited the West Country, we had come to love it when our family was young, and now that they were grown we decided to return to see if it still has a special place in our hearts. […]

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  3. The American West

    Road Trip In October of last year, I sold most of what I owned at that time and went on a 10,000-mile road trip across the American West, capturing all of it on film. Among the few possessions I brought with me, my reliable medium format camera Bronica SQ-Ai and 100 rolls of ILFORD HP5+. […]

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  4. For the love of it all

    For the love of it all I’ve always had a love affair with black and white photography. I don’t know if it stems from the excitement of watching my first print emerge under the glow of a safelight, or that using texture and shape can make a barren scene look beautiful. Maybe it’s both. They […]

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  5. Project Xpan

    The first time around… I enjoy photography especially black and white.. I’ve taken a wide variety of subjects and images over the years including sport, travel, documentary and landscape. I learnt with 35mm film cameras before moving to 645 medium format and then digital. For B&W I learnt to develop and print whilst at school […]

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  6. They were my landscape

    Images with feeling The most attractive element of analogue is its delicacy. The analogue process has remained so ingrained into my practice, I can’t imagine working in any other way. Seeking images which stir a feeling within and seeing that image through each stage of the process to finally create a hand-made darkroom print. The […]

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