
  1. A Chemical Refutation Of Forgetting

    When I Was A Teenager Mine is a common story with photography in that my dad gave me his 35mm camera when I was a teenager. I shot his Minolta until I dropped it a few too many times and the light leaks became punitive. Soon after, I stumbled into the darkroom just as casually […]

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  2. Frankenstein-Hasselblad

    Something that I love For the longest time I was aware that I had difficulties reading, writing, and understanding certain things, but it was only when I was diagnosed with Dyslexia and Dysgraphia that is became clear why this was. I have enjoyed the art of photography for so many years and after a triple […]

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  3. Uppies and Downies

    One Specific Speed Rating Us film photographers are used to the limitations of our medium. In fact, we often regard them as strengths, and not weaknesses. But even we can’t really take issue with the suggestion that as soon as we begin to expose a roll of film we are limited to one specific speed […]

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  4. Extinct

    Fading From View My project “Extinct” aims to highlight our quickly vanishing natural world. Just as photographs can fade over time, so many species on our planet are also permanently fading from view. The delicate chemical process of film photography I have chosen highlights the fragility of the medium as well as the state of […]

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  5. A Winter in Greece, 1970

    1969 After too short a visit to Athens’s Parthenon in 1964, I vowed to return soon. By 1969 I was standing on the deck of a wave tossed Yugoslavian freighter with my back to New York City. Watching the grey, stormy, November Atlantic from the quiet of the Navigation Bridge was a peaceful retreat. Our […]

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  6. “I’ll just fix it in the darkroom"

    “I’ll just fix it in the darkroom.” is the motto I’ve lived by for decades. I Was Too Deep Into Analog Studying photojournalism in the late 80s, I was taught to print well but never learned advanced printing techniques because we were being prepared for quick turn-around journalism assignments. Commercially available digital photography was in its […]

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Items 25 to 30 of 174 total
