We're thrilled to launch our brand new 'Community Focus' series! In this series, we shine a spotlight on community darkrooms around the world, celebrating their contributions and exploring the stories behind these spaces. Our first interview in the series features Newport Film Lab from South Wales, a darkroom that began as a passion project and has since grown into something truly special.

Section 1 - Background

Let’s start easy. Tell us A little about the darkroom, what it’s called and how it started.

Newport Film Lab started the in July 2024, initially a passion project. We cater for all local analogue shooters whether it be from developing film, to printing. We are proud to be Newport’s only dedicated film lab that offers a range of processing and printing options.

Where are you based?

Newport, South Wales.

What facilities do you have? How many enlargers etc.

We are an in-house lab, so the facilities are not as big as most, but are looking to expand into a much larger space in coming months where we can hold group sessions. We have a Durst M605 enlarger, with a variety of equipment suitable for printing different formats up to around 12x16 print size.

Black and white darkroom print of a woman

What is the best piece of printing tip or advice you have ever received?

Be patient, printing is a slow but rewarding process!

Who can use the space?

We provide 1-1 courses for people who are looking to get started and learn how to print using traditional methods.

Black and white contact sheet

What’s the best way for people to get in touch with you?

The best way to reach us is using our contact form on our website.

What can they expect when they visit and do they need any experience to come along?

Everybody starts somewhere! You don’t need any prior experience to use our space, as we have tailored 1-1 sessions to suit all skill levels. We start with giving you a run-down on different types of paper and chemicals, followed by how a darkroom is set up. We will usually make a contact sheet so you can proof your negatives to check how your negatives are not only exposed, but you can see what you’d like to print as a final positive image. Following a contact sheet, we will then look into making a test strip, which is important in making sure the grading and time of exposure is how you want it to look as a final print. Finally, we will create prints whilst discussing the importance and differences in exposure times, development times and how to dry your prints.

Black and white picture of an enlarger

Do you charge a membership or any fees?

We charge £150 for a 1-1 session that usually lasts between 4-6 hours, which includes absolutely everything such as chemistry, paper, etc. All you need to bring is your negatives!

Why should people come along?

Learning how to print in a darkroom using traditional processes is so valuable. It provides an understanding of the fundamentals of photography, whilst teaching you exposure, contrast and allows you to deeper understand how you can have creative control over your images whilst being ‘hands on’, as apposed to editing using computer software. Not only does it strengthen and develop your understanding of photography, but it will give you an historical perspective on the art form and enhance your appreciation for traditional photographic techniques.

As this is an ILFORD interview it would be remiss of us not to ask about your favourite ILFORD darkroom products.

Of course! Well, for developing film and prints, we strictly use ILFORD chemistry. We believe that ILFORD produces the best products for developing your work. This would be testament to the history behind such a reputable company! I’d also like to personally mention that ILFORD Delta 100 is hands down my favourite film stock, the contrast and fine grain after being developed with Ilfosol 3 is unrivalled!

Red shot of a guy printing in the darkroom


We all need a bit of inspiration and love so this is your chance to tell the community about yours – from the darkroom printers whose work inspires you, the labs you trust with your film, your ‘go to’ film photography stockists, your favourite community darkrooms or just anyone in the community who you feel deserves a special mention.

Give a shoutout to your personal favourite retailer.

Bristol Cameras have always been great with their stocklist and shipping times! We regularly use these guys for all our products and darkroom equipment.

Are there any darkroom printers that you admire?

I personally enjoy looking at Sid Kaplan’s work. Kaplan has outstanding photographic work around New York. With a documentary style, his work focuses mainly on powerful, black and white work using strong contrast to evoke emotions.

Red shot of a guy printing in the darkroom


I thoroughly enjoy keeping up to date with many photographers on YouTube, but two notable mentions would be Paulie B’s channel, specifically covering New York photographers using his ‘Walkie Talkie’ series’, and the other being Kyle McDougall, who is a Canadian photographer that has moved to the UK and is currently working on many projects, one of which is ‘Slate City’ where he is documenting the slate industry around Wales.



Hulkes Lane Darkroom @hldarkroom on Instagram!

Red shot of a guy printing in the darkroom