When two worlds collide - Facetime contact printing Posted On 20th May 2021 To Magazine

Remote Work
In 2020, during the pandemic, the world has quickly switched to remote work, video conferencing and calls. People had obtained a digital image and, although it existed before, the clearest visual expression of it has incarnated in video calls. The man has an alter ego in video calls. Almost a mandatory virtual image-mask, which is broadcast to the world and could become another folder in the categories of August Sander.
Endless distractions
Our vision of people today is modified through the medium of technology. Complicated, as we're forced to "read" the emotions and message of a person through the noise and endless notifications online. We are also forced to learn to see others more deeply, through their new identities and sharply formed social roles. Among the cells with dozens of other faces, we should look on the other side of the screen for the uniqueness and individuality of each of them, as carefully as we do in the real world.
Life on the web
To document the images, I have chosen the purest photographic method of shooting contact analog printing. As soon as the monitor comes in contact with photo paper, it creates a material copy of a virtual image. This series of photos turns into an endless manga about life on the web.
About The Author

Veduta Valerii
Veduta Valerii (b 1983) is Kiev based visual artist. Works has been featured in Vogue.it, Vogue.ua, Officiel-online, Harper’s Bazaar, Bird in Flight, fashionweek.ua, and others.