DELTA Professional films

What a fantastic week for black and white film images. Thank you for sharing all of your shots on #Deltafilm with us.

DELTA PROFESSIONAL films use the latest Core-Shell™ film emulsion technology which give them the advantage of a lower grain to speed ratio. This means that you get less grain at the equivalent speed when compared to PLUS films presenting a slightly cleaner, sharper look. We've really enjoyed choosing our favourites this week.

@julianoserraweb Cushion-Kombi, Brasília, Brasil : Delta 400, stand, Nikon N80 #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #deltafilm


‏@RussButner Woman In Thought #FridayFavourites #IlfordPhoto #IlfordDelta #DeltaFilm #DeltaFilms

@RussButner Woman In Thought #FridayFavourites #IlfordPhoto #IlfordDelta #DeltaFilm #DeltaFilms


@MaitreyaMer Lady who sells light on the ghats of Varanasi, India. Shot on Ilford Delta ? with Yashica Mat 124G instagram/ayertiam #mediumformat #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #deltafilm

@MaitreyaMer Lady who sells light on the ghats of Varanasi, India. Shot on Ilford Delta ? with Yashica Mat 124G  instagram/ayertiam #mediumformat #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #deltafilm


@notchrismena From the first time I ever shot #deltafilm 400 in #35mm

@notchrismena From the first time I ever shot #deltafilm 400 in #35mm

@TheFeelofFilm I love Ilford Delta films. An old favorite shot thru Mamiya C220: "Rainy Day Hopscotch" on Delta 100 #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #deltafilm

@TheFeelofFilm I love Ilford Delta films. An old favorite shot thru Mamiya C220: "Rainy Day Hopscotch" on Delta 100 #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #deltafilm


@lizardOnTheRoad Delta 400 with #Nikon F3 #fridayfavourites #ilfordphoto #delta400 #deltafilm @ILFORDPhoto

@lizardOnTheRoad Delta 400 with #Nikon F3 #fridayfavourites #ilfordphoto #delta400 #deltafilm

Next week

We're looking for your #portrait shots for next weeks #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites.

You can share with us on any, or all of our social media Twitter / Instagram / Facebook and you can also upload to one of our web galleries where your image will take it's turn appearing on our homepage.