Friday Favourites 18th December #Family Posted On 18th December 2017 To Magazine & Friday Favourites

This time of year is all about #family. These were our favourite #family themed shots from those that you shared on last weeks #ilfordfridayfavourites

@simonmurphy7 Warmer times in Crete. #ilfordfridayfavourites #family #hp5 #simonmurphyphotographer

@redshift_ #ilfordfridayfavourites #believeinfilm Here's a shot of my Son Harry taken with XP2 film and a Canon F1 with 100mm f2.8 ssc lens

@phall715 Daughter at the Dessert Cafe, 2017. #ilfordfridayfavourites #family FP4 and Ilfosol. #olympus #om1

@JohnBrownlow Ilford Pan F Plus stand developed in Rodinal 1+99 for 60 minutes Bronica EC w/ Nikkor 150mm f/3.5 #ilfordfridayfavourites #family

@CraigFleming70 #ilfordfridayfavourites my niece and mini museum ballet school, on HP5 on a Bronica SQaM #family
Next Week
We close the offices on Friday until next year. So instead of our usual #ilfordfridayfavourites we're going to do a best of 2017.
Please keep sharing your shots with us, we could include anything!