Friday Favourites 2nd March #homedev Posted On 2nd March 2018 To Magazine & Friday Favourites

It's really inspiring to see how many of your are developing your own black and white films. Hopefully our recent YouTube video will encourage a few more of you to have a go!
These were some of our favourites from the many submitted this week.

@curtis_kularski Nikon F portrait of F6. Delta 400 in ID-11. f/2.8, 50mm, 1/100

@oliverdegante Ilford HP5+ on Tmax Dev 1+4 8min #fridayfavourites #homedev #believeinfilm

@DBloomsday I #homedev almost all my photos, so let's show something special for @ILFORDPhoto #fridayfavourites. Here's some FP4+ solarized during development. (Shot at EI 500, image is direct positive)

@atlantean526 Charing Cross and the London skyline, from the London Eye. Minolta Dynax 7000i/ @ILFORDPhoto Delta 400/ Dev.: ID-11, 1:1, 14mins. 18/02/2018. #fridayfavourites #homedev #London

@meeerrt Pan 400 with id-11
Next week
A brand new theme for next week. We want to see your #macro images shot on our film. Share with us using #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #macro