Friday Favourites #35mmdelta400 Posted On 12th November 2021 To Magazine & Friday Favourites

One of three films in our DELTA Professional range. This week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites theme takes a closer look at #35mmdelta400.

@calor_gas_terry I don’t shoot #35mmdelta400 very often - I really should stock up Thumbs up taken on my Olympus Mju at the Weald & Downland museum in Singleton. #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites

makispekka Halloween, that direction #halloween #filmphotography #minoltadynax9 #ilforddelta400 #35mmdelta400 #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites

@paulasmithphoto From my travels in Thailand a million years ago (or so it feels). Taken with @ILFORDPhoto 35mm Delta 400 using a Leica MP and 35mm Summicron. Developed with Rodinal 1+25. #fridayfavourites #35mmdelta400 #ilfordphoto #believeinfilm #filmphotography

@timdobbsphoto "Light trails & Rain" .. Leica M2, Voigtlander Ultron 35mm f1.7 on ilford Delta 400 for this week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #35mmdelta400 #believeinfilm

augulisphoto Company Pentax 67 Ilford Delta400 1600ASA #pentax67 #ilfordphoto #35mmdelta400 #ilfordfilm #homedeveloped #selfdeveloped #fridayfavourites
#unexpected. - Have you ever developed your negatives and found something unexpected in the frame that you hadn't noticed when shooting?
These are the themes that you can expect to see over the next month. You can start sharing for these whenever you like, and as long as you use the #'s we will see them. You can share your shots with us on Instagram or Twitter using the #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites plus that week's tag and the film or paper that you have used.
#framedfilm. - We see some very clever shots where you have used natural or man made structures to frame part of your image. These are what we're asking you to share this week.
#wintertime - A simple theme. Share your shots showing winter and remember to tell us which film you used
#nightfilm - Shots taken in the evening or nighttime. I'm expecting that our faster films will feature heavily this week!