Friday Favourites #35mmortho Posted On 18th February 2022 To Magazine & Friday Favourites

Launched in 35mm and 120 format in October 2019 ORTHO plus is the newest member of our 35mm film range. We asked you to share shots that you've taken with it for today's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #35mmortho theme.

@henry_balen Favourite tree in the local park on Ilford Ortho. EI80, developed in Perceptol stock solution. Taken through a 40mm Summicron. #35mmortho #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites

larsjanerphotography "Canopy II" August 2021 Ilford Ortho Plus 80 shot with Canon A-1 + Sigma 50mm Processing by @oldschoollab @photosmithnh
#fridayfavourites #35mmortho #canonphotography #canonanalog #canonA1 @ilfordphoto

@GregoryWBrown Here are four frames from a Berlin trip several years back #fridayfavourites #ilfordphoto
pretty sure they were shot on Oly. OM4Ti #35mmortho

@fredranger For #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #35mmortho

@DrMarsRover Replying to @ILFORDPhoto Cyanotype from #35mmortho shot with an Olympus XA2
#ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites
#filmdrama - A dramatic sky, thundering waves, protesters gathering. Share a dramatic shot for this theme.
You have a couple of weeks to find your shots or prints for this theme as we'r sharing a historical #fridayfavourites next week due to holidays.
These are the themes that you can expect to see fairly soon. You can start sharing for these whenever you like, and as long as you use the #'s we will see them. You can share your shots with us on Instagram or Twitter using the #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites plus that week's tag and the film or paper that
#sheshootsilford - Sorry guys, this one is strictly for the women out there. 8th March is International Women's day so for this theme we want images just from female film shooters.
#croppednegs - When we take our negs in to the darkroom or share them on social we often crop to show part of the frame. Share these #croppednegs this week (Show the original too if you can).
#grainlove - Show us your grain!