FRIDAY FAVOURITES 8TH DECEMBER #ARCHITECTURE Posted On 8th December 2017 To Magazine & Friday Favourites

What a wonderful mix of shots you shared with us for this week's #ilfordfridayfavourites. As usual a big thank you to everybody that shared. We really do enjoy seeing what images you are making using our films. Our favourites for this week are below.

@Shooting_Grain #ilfordfridayfavourites #architecture 'Tower of Tin', Newcastle on HP5+ in an Olympus 35RC

@Hier_komt_Alex Concrete Curves #ilfordfridayfavourites #architecture Underground carpark, Harderwijk, the Netherlands, june 2017 Schneider-Kreuznach 47mm f/8 frankensteined on an Agfa 6x9 folder body.

@DavidJazay The House They Left Behind, London Docklands, Narrow Street, 200x70 cm #Rolleiflex #IlfordFP4 panorama. #ilfordfridayfavourites #architecture

@calor_gas_terry The Ouse Valley Viaduct, FP4+, DDX1+4, Zeiss Ikonta #architecture #ilfordfridayfavourites

@atlantean526 #ilfordfridayfavourites #architecture Natural History Museum, sunlight on Darwin. Olympus OM-2/ Ilford FP4+. 3.8.2015.
Next week
Our theme for next week is #family Please share your images using #ilfordfridayfavourites #family on Twitter / Instagram / Facebook or in our Gallery for a chance to be included.