Friday Favourites #ddxdev Posted On 2nd October 2020 To Magazine & Friday Favourites
We don't often spotlight our developers, but they do an important job and can help to bring out the best in your negatives. This week for #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #ddxdev we asked you to share your shots developed in ILFORD ILFOTEC DD-X.
Thank you to everyone who shares images with us each week, not just for this feature but on our social streams too. You can follow us on Instagram / Twitter / Facebook and Youtube.
NEXT WEEK #splitgradeprint
We're sending you back into the darkroom next week (or your archives), to share any of your prints that you have made using a split grade method.
Coming Soon
Some of the themes that we'll be setting in the next few weeks #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites.
10th Oct - 16th Oct. #Autumn on film. Depending on where you are in the world, Autumn (or Fall) can mean very different things. Share your images that encapsulate this time for you. #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #autumnonfilm
17th Oct - 23rd Oct. #lightonfilm The main 'ingredient' of photography is light, Share shots that show it off. Reflections, sunbursts, streetlights and signs.
24th Oct - 31st Oct #scaryfilm (And we don't mean Kodak!) We couldn't resist this theme for this week. Share your spooky or creepy atmospheric shots with us.