Another great week for #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites with plenty of great #ffheight images to choose from. Thank you to everyone who shared with us on Twitter and Instagram. These are our favourites this week

my7views The Crane Houses in Cologne, by Hadi Teherani. (Taken with Olympus OM-1 on Ilford Delta 100.) #fridayfavourites #ffheight #cologne #liebedeinestadt #kranhäuser #ilforddelta100 #ilforddelta #ilfordfilm #ilfordphoto #analogphotography #filmphotography #blackandwhite #blackandwhitephotography #olympus #olympusom1 #omzuiko

my7views The Crane Houses in Cologne, by Hadi Teherani.(Taken with Olympus OM-1 on Ilford Delta 100.)
#fridayfavourites #ffheight

@dmbloor Replying to @ILFORDPhoto Looking (or locking) down. Near Etruria Industrial Museum in Stoke-on-Trent. Canon EOS 5 (that is film not D !) on #ilfordphoto #Delta400 for this week's #fridayfavourites of #ffheight

@dmbloor Looking (or locking) down. Near Etruria Industrial Museum in Stoke-on-Trent. Canon EOS 5 (that is film not D !) on #ilfordphoto #Delta400 for this week's #fridayfavourites of #ffheight


 analogwelker WALLOW FIRE SENTINEL - 2021 marks 10 years since the devastating Wallow Wildfire in the White Mountains. My beloved Escudilla Mountain was especially ravaged by the fire. From a lofty perch at 9,600 feet on the west flank of Escudilla, this old monarch stands watch over the thousands of dead spruce, fir, aspen, and pine that remain upright in the Paddy Creek drainage. #ilfordphoto #favouritefriday #ffheight #wallowfire #escudillamountain #ilfordfp4plus #ilfordddx #ilfordwarmtone #4x5film #largeformatphotography #landscapephotography #azphotoalliance #arcaswissusa #analoguevibes #arizonalandscape #shootfilmstaybroke #fridayfavourites

analogwelker WALLOW FIRE SENTINEL - 2021 marks 10 years since the devastating Wallow Wildfire in the White Mountains. My beloved Escudilla Mountain was especially ravaged by the fire. From a lofty perch at 9,600 feet on the west flank of Escudilla, this old monarch stands watch over the thousands of dead spruce, fir, aspen, and pine that remain upright in the Paddy Creek drainage. #ilfordphoto #ffheight #wallowfire #escudillamountain #ilfordfp4plus #ilfordddx #ilfordwarmtone #4x5film #largeformatphotography #landscapephotography #azphotoalliance #arcaswissusa #analoguevibes #arizonalandscape  #fridayfavourites


 davidwilliams7037 Man Made Canyon Pentax ESII, SMC Takumar 28mm f3.5, Ilford HP5 home developed in Ilfotec LC29 1:19 #pentaxesii #smctakumar28mmf35 #ilfordhp5 #ilfoteclc29 #homedevelopedfilm #ilfordphoto #ilfordfilm #film #blackandwhitephoto #35mm #melbourne #littlecollinsstreet #architecture #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #ffheight

davidwilliams7037 Man Made Canyon Pentax ESII, SMC Takumar 28mm f3.5, Ilford HP5 home dev' in Ilfotec LC29 1:19 #pentaxesii #smctakumar28mmf35 #ilfordhp5 #ilfoteclc29 #homedevelopedfilm  #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #ffheight


@WellerMonica #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourite #ffheight From St Stephens Cathedral, Vienna, using Ilford XP2 in Olympus Trip

@WellerMonica #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourite #ffheight From St Stephens Cathedral, Vienna, using Ilford XP2 in Olympus Trip


Lots of us spend more time behind the camera than in front. That needs to change for this week's #ilfordphoto#fridayfavourites theme of #meonfilm


To give you time to plan ahead and start thinking of shots that could fit the themes. These are the next few week's themes.

#filmfathers - As it's Fathers day in the UK, we're celebrating all Dad's around the world with this theme.

#sunnyfilm - A straightforward theme as we head towards Summer. Let's see those shots in the sun!

#wateronfilm - Again an easy theme. Share shots showing water.