Friday Favourites #forbiddenfilm Posted On 28th October 2022 To Magazine & Friday Favourites

Last week's theme for #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites was extra tough, so we decided to scrap that theme and move on to #Forbiddenfilm for this week. We wanted to see those sneaky shots you took when you shouldn't have your camera!

@PhlStrchn Replying to @ILFORDPhoto I wanted a shot framing an artist, painting and subject. A bit later I asked/gestured if it would be ok and was told it was all "Prywatny - Private". Near Most Tumski - Tumski Bridge, Wrocław. Ilford XP2 Super 120mm, Zeiss Ikon Nettar #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #Forbiddenfilm

@BarrisonFord Replying to @ILFORDPhoto Some #forbiddenfilm and a forbidden subject. #Fridayfavourites #Ilfordphoto FP4+

@n3gabeats Replying to @ILFORDPhoto It so happened that I came to this street by accident because I got lost. I should not be here, especially with a camera, but it so happened that I was there and took this picture. #ilforddelalta100 #forbiddenfilm #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites

@BarrisonFord Replying to @ILFORDPhoto Felt like something was going down. #Forbiddenfilm #FridayFavourites #Ilfordphoto HP5+

@jaaksi My Hasselblad Super Wide took a picture of my rear end. Not OK! Not OK! #Forbiddenfilm #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #ilfordHP5 #SWC
Our theme for next week is #experimentalfilm - Share your most unique images with us! Share with us using #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #experimentalfilm
These are the themes that you can expect to see fairly soon. You can start sharing for these whenever you like, and as long as you use the #'s we will see them. You can share your shots with us on Instagram or Twitter using the #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites plus that week's tag and the film or paper that you have used.
#softfocus - Give us the appearance of a blurred image, while keeping sharp edges. Remember it is not the same as an out-of-focus image, and the effect cannot be achieved simply by defocusing a sharp lens.
#orangefilter - An orange filter increases contrast between tones in textures. Show us what you photograph with an orange filter.
#shotonkentmere - Let us see your best pics shot on our Kentmere film.