Friday Favourites #Forgotten Posted On 3rd September 2018 To Magazine & Friday Favourites

We have really struggled this week to choose just 5 images as there were so many that we liked. We couldn't agree on a top five. So with a couple more than usual, here are this week's #ilfordphoto #forgotten #fridayfavourites.

@scottsphoto1218 #fridayfavourites #forgotten @ILFORDPhoto "Death Row" Old Idaho State Penitentiary. 35mm Ilford FP4.
The men/women who resided here and were hung have long been forgotten. The facility itself looks as if society has completely wanted to forget what they have done.

@Warboyssnapper @ILFORDPhoto #Forgotten #Fridayfavourites #Delta3200 #Yashicamat

@pierluigi_tolu Old Entrance ?️ - ILFORD FP4+ 125 ? - Mamiya M645 1000s ⚗️ - R09 One Shot #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #forgotten #believeinfilm #filmphotography

@martynhphoto #forgotten #ilfordphoto HP5+ #fridayfavourites @ILFORDPhoto

@Jaysargo I have a collection of work on this abanded building that has been left and forgotten about. But I thought I would share just a few images for the #forgotten this week. ILFORD HP5 pushed to 1600 Leica M6 #fridayfavourites #forgotten

@BarnabyNutt. Featured project: The Ghost of New Walk Centre aka double exposures on @ILFORDphoto FP4 PLUS - Read more about this project
#film, #filmphotography, #believeinfilm

@BackEastPhoto Sad pumpkin, on a beach, in December @ILFORDPhoto FP4+ (135) #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #forgotten #believeinfilm
A huge thank you to everybody who shared their shots with us. Choosing our #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites images is definitely one of the highlights of our week.
Next Week
Saturday was officially the first day of Autumn, traditionally a season full of colour, but we're asking for you to share it with us in black and white. Share with us using #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #autumn (not forgetting to included the film that you used, e.g. #ilfordhp5), for your chance to be included in Friday's post.
We'll even send a little something out to next week's #fridayfavourites picks.