Friday Favourites #framedfilm 2023 Posted On 8th September 2023 To Magazine & Friday Favourites

#framedfilm was this week's theme for #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites. A huge thank you for your incredible contributions, your creativity knows no bounds!

@filmphotokkg. Misty morning road in Okayama, Japan. #ilfordphoto #ilfordhp5 #leica #leicam4 #shootitwithfilm #theanalogclub #noirfilm #photojournalinternational #blackandwhitephotography #35mmfilm #analogphotography #analogforever #photofilmy #ifyouleave #ishootfilms #reponsesphoto #spicollective #streetshots_globally #streetphotography #documentaryphotography #theleicalook #leicaworld #leicafilmfriends #analoguecollective #fridayfavourites #framedfilm.

@xpan_mikolaj_poloczanski. When you only have a Hasselblad XPAN and you need to take a photo in a square. 3x Hasselblad XPan. Grotta delle Tre Crime. Tre Cime de Lavaredo. Italy. Dolomites. #ilfordphoto #Hasselbladxpan #xpan #35mmxp2 #fridayfavourites #ilford #analogpanorama #filmnaturemag #beliveinfilm #analogphotography #analogcamera #panoramiccamera #ilfordxp2 #ilfordfilm

@PlantingCabbag1. My lil friend Godai, framed by clotheslines and the courtyard of an old Kolkata house đŸ™‚ Minolta X-700, ILFORD HP5+ developed in ID-11 (I'm @midtonegrey on Instagram) #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #framedfilm.

@peter_durst. For this week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites theme of #framedfilm I would like to submit: ‘South Royal Brougham Way & Occidental Avenue South’ Widelux F8. Delta 100. Seattle, Washington.

@Gravmadboris. The Old Courts. The Old Courts building in Wigan framed by the entrance archway to the Parish Church grounds.. ILFORD HP5. Nikon F801. #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #framedfilm

@paulasmithphoto. Dean Clough area, Halifax.. Taken on Rollei 35b with XP2 35mm film developed with Bellini C41. #framedfilm #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #believeinfilm #filmphotography
Our theme for next week is #ilikegrain. - We think this one is self explanatory. The more grain the merrier:)