Friday Favourites #funonfilm Posted On 14th May 2021 To Magazine & Friday Favourites

We all enjoy shooting film. This week for our #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #funonfilm theme we asked you to share that joy and share shots of people having fun. Or, shots or prints that you had fun making.

@CMFleming70 This is an “elfie”... #panfplus
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahah ahhh elfie....
This cool stop animation was created by @thedarkshed on #ilfordfp4

@joserenteria73 · There you go. My #darkroom #funoffilm #funonfilm #fridayfavourites @ILFORDPhoto

@fejling This was certainly great fun to make, it was my first go at lith printing, I loved the random results print to print… #funonfilm #fridayfavourites #ilfordphoto

@WellerMonica #funonfilm #ilfordphoto #fridaydavourites I took this in Margate on Olympus Trip & Ilford XP2. Couldn't believe it. Sitting in cafe opposite. Saw nicely coiffed poodle crossing road outside cafe with owner, to sea wall. Dashed out. Asked them to pose just as they were moving off.
Next week's theme
Next week we're looking for shots showing #filmbokeh
Upcoming themes
Our next few themes.
#heightonfilm - Shot from a height or an object / person that depicts height for this week.
#meonfilm - Lots of us spend more time behind the camera than in front. That need's to change for this week's theme.
#sunnyfilm - A straightforward theme as we head towards Summer. Let's see those shots in the sun!