Friday Favourites #hp5in120 Posted On 2nd February 2024 To Magazine & Friday Favourites

We asked you to share your best #hp5in120 shots with us this week for #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites. You definitely delivered this week, so take a look at some of our favourites.

@MattAngleyPhoto. King of the Backyard. ? Pentax 6x7 + SMC Pentax 6x7 90mm f/2.8. ?️ Ilford HP5 Plus. #fridayfavourites #ilfordphoto #HP5in120 #pentax #filmphotography #believeinfilm #blackandwhitephotography #bostonterrier

@robinferand. Right is Left. Up is Down. First time shooting #hp5in120 in an original #YashicaMat (not the updated 124G) #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #filmphotography #VancouverIsland #believeinfilm #nanaimo

@Six__By__Six. Froghall, Staffordshire. Rollieflex 2.8F. #hp5in120 #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites

@PhlStrchn. A photo from last year for this week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites where the theme is #hp5in120 Looking through Dundee's whale sculpture with shadow patterns.. Film: Ilford HP5+ (120). Camera: Ensign 16-20.

@peter_durst. My favourite #hp5in120 image from 2023: SS Klondike Fuji GS645W @ILFORDPhoto HP5 (1600) The Yukon
#ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #believeinfilm #filmphotography
Our theme for next week is #ilforddelta3200pulled. - Do you often pull your Delta 3200? If so, share your images with us!