
Friday Favourites #hp5in120 Posted On 2nd February 2024 To Magazine & Friday Favourites

Friday Favourites #hp5in120

We asked you to share your best #hp5in120 shots with us this week for #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites. You definitely delivered this week, so take a look at some of our favourites.

Friday Favourites #hp5in120

@MattAngleyPhoto. King of the Backyard. ? Pentax 6x7 + SMC Pentax 6x7 90mm f/2.8. ?️ Ilford HP5 Plus. #fridayfavourites #ilfordphoto #HP5in120 #pentax #filmphotography #believeinfilm #blackandwhitephotography #bostonterrier


Friday Favourites #hp5in120

Friday Favourites #hp5in120

@robinferand. Right is Left. Up is Down. First time shooting #hp5in120 in an original #YashicaMat (not the updated 124G) #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #filmphotography #VancouverIsland #believeinfilm #nanaimo


Friday Favourites #hp5in120

@Six__By__Six. Froghall, Staffordshire. Rollieflex 2.8F. #hp5in120 #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites


Friday Favourites #hp5in120

@PhlStrchn. A photo from last year for this week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites where the theme is #hp5in120 Looking through Dundee's whale sculpture with shadow patterns.. Film: Ilford HP5+ (120). Camera: Ensign 16-20.


Friday Favourites #hp5in120

@peter_durst. My favourite #hp5in120 image from 2023: SS Klondike Fuji GS645W @ILFORDPhoto HP5 (1600) The Yukon
#ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #believeinfilm #filmphotography


Our theme for next week is #ilforddelta3200pulled. - Do you often pull your Delta 3200? If so, share your images with us!


You can expect to see these themes coming over over the next month so get your thinking caps on!
#valentinesonilford. - Share your favourite shot's of your loved ones with us.
#themefree. - Share any images shot on our film or printed on our darkroom papers.