This week’s #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites theme was #ilfordwpd, in honour of World Photography Day. This globally recognized day encourages photographers to "share their world with the world" through a single image. We asked you to join the celebration by sharing your favourite photo with us.
Friday Favourites - #ilfordwpd

@ConradLangslow. Fish Creek Falls. Nikon F3. Nikkor 50mm f1.8 Ai-s Pancake. Ilford HP5+ 400. #believeinfilm #filmphotography #ilfordphoto, #fridayfavourites #ilfordwpd.


Friday Favourites - #ilfordwpd

@JuanjoSilva52. World Photography Day with a Canonet QL17 and Ilford Kentmere Pan 400 #ilfordwpd.


@pjmeade. I think my very favourite photo is a digital, but these are ones I really like. The Etruscan Flint Mill - 1979 Zenit B+HP4 Fos sur Mer 2012 - EOS-1+HP4 Dungeness 2016 - EOS 1v+Delta 100 Cookham 2023 - EOS 1v+Delta 400(?) #Ilfordwpd
Friday Favourites - #ilfordwpd

@1brsc1. A favourite photo made with Kentmere 100 film. #fridayfavourites #ilfordwpd.


Friday Favourites - #ilfordwpd

@JdelRivero. FP4 125. #ilfordwpd.


Another straightforward week next week with no set theme. Just share your images made with our ILFORD or KENTMERE film or paper products and tag #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites.