
As we have launched a competition to run alongside our latest campaign #JustAdd this week, we thought we’d share a few of the entries that we’ve seen so far.

‏@damianofedeli Berlin, 2010, the Wall (@ILFORDPhoto FP4 #justadd #freedom) #believeinfilm

‏@damianofedeli Berlin, 2010, the Wall (@ILFORDPhoto FP4 #justadd #freedom) #believeinfilm


@joetscook #JustAdd Unity Contax S2 – @ilfordphoto HP5

@joetscook #JustAdd Unity Contax S2 – @ilfordphoto HP5

@TwinLensReflux #justadd Sunscreen. @ILFORDPhoto HP5+

@TwinLensReflux #justadd Sunscreen. @ILFORDPhoto HP5+

@AndrewYuen #JustAdd suffering Ilford HP5 Plus

@AndrewYuen #JustAdd suffering Ilford HP5 Plus

Taking part is simple:

Between now and March 31st 2017 share your images on our social media pages (@ilfordphoto FacebookTwitter and Instagram) using #JustAdd as well as the best word to describe what you are adding. Please let us know what products were used and make sure you are following the page on which you are posting.