Friday Favourites #kentmerefilm Posted On 10th August 2018 To Magazine & Friday Favourites

This week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites put our #kentmerefilm in the spotlight. After seeing some of the great images that you shared with us, we wonder why we haven't done this before.
Manufactured here in Mobberley, our Kentmere films undergo the same high quality processes used to make our ILFORD Photo range.

@Trend2signif Shot on Kentmere400 for @ILFORDPhoto #fridayfavourites. Taken in the grounds of Trinity college, Cambridge.

Adi W Reposting for #ilfordfridayfavourites . Shot with #Leica M2 and #Voigtländer Color Skopar 35 mm f/2.5, developed in Ilfotec DD-X.#kentmere100 #kentmerefilm @ILFORDPhoto

@JohnScarbro1 Low Tide 1. #Kentmerefilm 400@320. #ilfordphoto DD-X. Minolta 505si #fridayfavourites #believeinfilm

@vjoeytc Shot on Kentmere 100 #kentmerefilm #fridayfavourites #ilfordphoto

@junctionrails Early morning fog Ashbridges Bay, Toronto @ILFORDPhoto Kentmere 100, 135 format Nikon F50 / Nikkor 28-70mm
#beliveinfilm #shootfilmbenice #fridayfavourites #kentmerefilm #ilfordphoto
Next week
Due to holidays we're having a couple of weeks off from #fridayfavourites, so you have plenty of time before Friday 31st August to share your #forgotten themed images with us. We know this is a tough theme, but we're sure you'll rise to it as you always do!
Share with us on Twitter / Facebook / Instagram or on our Website Gallery and make sure you use the #'s #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #forgotten