Friday Favourites #madeinthedark Posted On 1st April 2022 To Magazine & Friday Favourites

We chose #madeinthedark as today's #fridayfavourites theme so we could shine a light on all of our talented darkroom printers, and give them a chance to show off their beautiful prints.

@McIntosh141 Inverness castle on infra red film. Printed on @ILFORDPhoto glossy fibre paper #fridayfavourites #madeinthedark

@markmoranphoto Replying to @ILFORDPhoto Portrait of Scott. Shot on @ILFORDPhoto Ortho Plus 80. Split grade printed on 8 x 10" Multigrade V RC Deluxe Glossy in my garage darkroom. #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #madeinthedark

@rob_padley Zeiss Ikon (charity shop find) / HP5 / multigradeglossy #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #madeinthedark

@tarnography Just a reminder to #printyourphotos #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #madeinthedark Prints made with
@ILFORDPhoto MGIV and MGRC paper, negs are HP5 35mm and XP2 120 film. Can you tell that I ? Ilford?
#streetshots - Share your street photography with us.
Use the #'s #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #streetshots and remember to tell us which of our films you used.
These are the themes that you can expect to see fairly soon. You can start sharing for these whenever you like, and as long as you use the #'s we will see them. You can share your shots with us on Instagram or Twitter using the #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites plus that week's tag and the film or paper that
#happyfilm - We often hear that shooting film is therapeutic for some people
#lifeonfilm - Show us what you get up to!
#posedfilm - Let us see how movement can be experimental