Friday Favourites #shotat1600 Posted On 17th May 2019 To Magazine & Friday Favourites

Why haven't we used this theme before for #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites? #shotat1600 has definitely been the most popular theme this year by far, which is why there are a couple of extra images in our choices this week. we couldn't get it down to just five!
Thank you to everybody that shared with us. Let's hope that next week's theme of #pulledfilm is just as popular.

@Darkflan79 #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites @ILFORDPhoto Ilford HP5 #shotat1600

nilsscarbro Praktica BC1 with Pentacon 50mm f/1.8 MC ILFORD HP5+ ISO1600 Developed in Rodinal 1+25 12min Scanned with Sony A6000 Fujinon 55mm and 32mm extension tube #fridayfavourites #shotat1600 #ilfordphoto #ilfordhp5

charlotte_gilliatt ILFORD Delta 3200 shot at 1600. #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #shotat1600

@DavidNee6 #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #shotat1600 Kentmere 400@1600 "The Look of Love"

@VRSeeker At the local tavern, Hasselblad XPan Ilford HP5 @ 1600 #Believeinfilm #XPan #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #shotat1600 #Hasselblad #panorama

@mt_photo_ Zombie Baker. ILFORD Delta 400 in 120. shot at 1600. Pushed 2 stops in development. Shot with Minolta Autocord. #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #shotat1600

@TheFeelofFilm "Shooting at the Stables" on @ILFORDPhoto HP5 #shotat1600 in Ilfotec DDX for #fridayfavourites
Next week
As this week's theme was so popular we're going to use a similar theme next week and ask you to share any shots that you shot at less than box speed. i wonder what the lowest we'll get is?
Please use the #'s #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #pulledfilm