Whether intentional using filters, (or a smear of vaseline), or by accident, soft focus images all have a certain 'feel' to them. It was this that we asked you to share for this week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #softfocus theme.

It was a popular theme with a lot of entries which we've enjoyed looking through this morning. A huge thank you to everyone who shared their images. Our favourites are below.

@LaurensWillis Perhaps a pinhole image for #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #softfocus ? Zero 45 with #delta100

@LaurensWillis Perhaps a pinhole image for #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #softfocus ? Zero 45 with #delta100


@Ben_coultish Replying to @ILFORDPhoto Thought I'd try out this weeks #fridayfavourites with a #softfocus pic (done completely by accident mind you). Taken on #ilfordphoto FP4 :)

@Ben_coultish Thought I'd try out this weeks #fridayfavourites with a #softfocus pic (done completely by accident mind you). Taken on #ilfordphoto FP4 🙂

@mattoriousphoto These felt like a @nineinchnails vibe and that’s who was rocking too. Greek Theatre, Berkeley Ca. @ILFORDPhoto #hp5plus400 #softfocus #fridayfavourites
j_harvell Los Angeles taken from Griffith Park. Down at the parlor. Waiting. #ilfordphoto HP5+ #fridayfavourites #softfocus are unavoidable because of dust in the air.

j_harvell Los Angeles taken from Griffith Park. Down at the parlor. Waiting. #ilfordphoto HP5+ #fridayfavourites #softfocus are unavoidable because of dust in the air.


Waternish, 2022 Selenium & Gold toning combo on @ILFORDPhoto warmtone paper. #darkroomprint #filmphotography #ilfordfp4

@jconnellyphotos RT for #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #softfocus Waternish, 2022
Selenium & Gold toning combo on @ILFORDPhoto warmtone paper.
#darkroomprint #filmphotography #ilfordfp4

Next week

Our theme for next week is #orangefilter. This is the perfect match for black and white fim and we're looking forward to seeing your shots.

Coming soon

Start thinking about shots that you may have or,  want to shoot for these themes that we'll be using soon.

#shotonkentmere   Share your images shot on our Kentmere films (or paper)

#winteronfilm  What does winter look like in your part of the world? Share your shots this week

#hanukkahonfilm  With Hanukkah starting at the end of this week, we're looking for your shots from previous years.