Friday Favourites #springinbandw Posted On 9th April 2021 To Magazine & Friday Favourites
The sun is shining and then it's snowing! A typical start to Spring here in the UK. For today's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites we asked you to show us your Spring using #springinbandw.
Thank you to everybody for sharing again this week. We do look at every shot that come in with the #'s, it's a great way to start a Friday morning.
There isn't a #fridayfavourites next week, but that means you have even longer to prepare for the next few themes.
17th - 23rd April #worshipfilm - Around the world there are some stunningly beautiful places and buildings used as places or worship. Share your shots of these sacred spots this week.
24th -30th April. #ffpinhole - April the 25th is World pinhole Photography day so this is the perfect opportunity to look at the world a little differently and share your pinhole shots with us.
1st - 7th May. #alternatedev - Developed in coffee or beer? Share your shots not developed in standard black and white chemicals or in the recommended way.