Friday Favourites #squareshots Posted On 6th March 2020 To Magazine & Friday Favourites

What a fantastic response to this week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #squareshots theme. We love it when it takes us ages to go through all of the images submitted. Thank you to everybody that shared their brilliant black and white shots with us. These are our favourites below.

@DavidAustinMc Scissors. Still life with natural daylight from a window and white card as a reflector. Mamiya C330 using Ilford Delta 100 film and developed in Perceptol. #ilfordphoto #squareshots #fridayfavourites

@JF41180 Repost for #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #squareshots @ONDUpinhole and Ortho Plus. #believeinfilm #filmphotography #pinhole

@victorbezrukov ilford HP5 Hasselblad 500cm multiexposures developed in d-76. #filmphotography #filmisnotdead #ilfordphoto #squareshots #fridayfavourites

@timdobbsphoto "Dad" ... Bronica SQAi on ilford Delta 400 @ 800 for #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #squareshots

steve_jacksun A girl running Hasselblad 501cm 80mm CB lens Ilford Delta 100 film Ilford Perceptol . #hasselblad #hasselblad501cm #ilfordfilm #ishootfilm #cambridge #visitcambridge #film #filmphotog #6x6 #mediumformat #ishootfilm #staybrokeshootfilm #120film #filmisnotdead #ilforddelta100 #filmphotography #believeinfilm #buyfilmnotmegapixels #filmisalive #shotonfilm #filmcamera #filmphotography #grainisgood #analog #analogue #ilfordphoto #instacamb #squareshots #fridayfavourites #lovefilm
Next Week
We will be at The Photography Show next Friday getting our stand set up, so there won't be a #fridayfavourites. Instead we're giving you two weeks to share your images for out next theme of #goingout. These could be a bar / your favourite coffee shop or maybe just a park. There's lots of options for your to explore.
Share with us using #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #goingout and don't forget to tell us which film you used!