Friday Favourites #sunnyfilm Posted On 25th June 2021 To Magazine & Friday Favourites

A straightforward theme for today's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #sunnyfilm theme as we head towards Summer. We asked you to share your shots in the sun!

@fejling The B&W (FP4+) photo taken near Edale late one sunny afternoon. Taken using Leica MP… #sunnyfilm #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites

@jamieworsfold Sunny and tuneful at the same time! This was shot with an Olympus OM10 on Pan 400 in Locronan, France.

@PhilBixby Final #sunnyfilm #fridayfavourites with shadows on the wall

@calor_gas_terry A glorious #sunnyfilm day captured on FP4+ #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites

@chrisjcoan Sunset on HP5, shot on the Canon AE-1.
Next Week
#wateronfilm - We're expecting great things from this simple theme.
To give you time to plan ahead and start thinking of shots that could fit the themes. These are the themes that you can expect to see in the next few weeks.
#filmmemories - Share a shot that reminds you of a person, place or event.
#35mmhp5 - Our most versatile film and one that a lot of you would have shot at some point. This week share your HP5+ 35mm film shots.
#doubleexposure - Accidental or on purpose - Show us your double exposure shots this week.