Although it's probably the dullest day we've had for a while here, your #sunshine shots for this week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites theme made it feel a little brighter.

@henrycwh1500 Cottage, Elton, Peterborough @ILFORDPhoto delta 100 #fridayfavourites #ilfordphoto #believeinfilm #shootfilmbenice #nenevalley

@henrycwh1500 Cottage, Elton, Peterborough @ILFORDPhoto DELTA 100 #fridayfavourites #ilfordphoto #believeinfilm #shootfilmbenice #nenevalley


@sirdanielus #sunshine #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #ilforddelta100 #mamiyarb67prosd

@sirdanielus #sunshine #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #ilforddelta100 #mamiyarb67prosd


@DhutchPhot Been a while since I got involved with this, takes me back to summers past. This was Spain, the sun was beating. My photography teacher would have hated the lack of sky. Canonet ql19. PanF #sunshine #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites

@DhutchPhot Been a while since I got involved with this, takes me back to summers past. This was Spain, the sun was beating. My photography teacher would have hated the lack of sky. Canonet ql19. PanF #sunshine #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites


@m645super my #sunshine for #ilfordphoto’s #fridayfavourites this week! “rockstar!” mamiya m645, 80/2.8, on ilford hp5+

@m645super my #sunshine for #ilfordphoto’s #fridayfavourites this week! “rockstar!” mamiya m645, 80/2.8, on ilford hp5+


@Mykrezz Some dude on a beach, SRT-201/50mm/HP5+ at 800iso #fridayfavourites #sunshine #ilfordphoto

@Mykrezz Some dude on a beach, SRT-201/50mm/HP5+ at 800iso #fridayfavourites #sunshine #ilfordphoto

Thank you to everybody who shares their images and comments / likes and retweets our posts. It really does mean a lot to us. You can share on Twitter or Instagram and you can also upload your images to our online galleries for everyone to enjoy.

Next Week #bestshotsofar

Some of you will find this theme easier than others. I know that I always struggle to look at my shots objectively.

Which shot taken this year so far are you most proud of? Share it with us using #bestshotsofar #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites

What's coming up?

We're giving you a heads up of upcoming themes so you can start planning shots or digging out suitable negatives:)

23rd May-29thMay - #lyricsandfilm Share a shot that makes you think of a song or song lyric.

30th May - 5th June - #escape  Show us where you go to escape when given the chance.

06th June - 12th June - #lockdown We want to see you shots taken during lockdown, that show what it has mean to you.