Friday Favourites #texture Posted On 14th June 2019 To Magazine & Friday Favourites

I was really looking forward to going through the images shared for this week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #texture theme . I love how black and white film can enhance the texture in certain shots and personally really enjoy shooting this type of image.

@ClickErik One more for Uncle Ilford...35mm Pan-F+ in Rodinal 1:50 K2 filter, OM-1n @ILFORDPhoto #fridayfavourites #texture

@Peterfilmphoto Sydney Opera House #IlfordPhoto #IlfordHP5 #fridayfavourites #texture
- @ebojorq a few more doors for this week’s #texture theme. This time on FP4 Plus. #FP4Plus – Asahi Pentax #Spotmatic #filmphotography #believeinfilm #shootfilmbenice #Ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites
- @ebojorq One of my first attempts with @ILFORDphoto FP4 Plus. From a while ago!! #filmphotography #believeinfilm #shootfilmbenice #Ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #texture

@paulasmithphoto On the theme of #texture this shot came to mind of a hippo's snout taken in South Africa.
?️Delta 100 developed in Rodinal 1+25 ? Leica MP 35mm Summicron #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #believeinfilm

@EMULSIVEfilm Tread carefully @ILFORDphpto HP5 PLUS shot at EI 3200 / 120 format / 6x6 / 3-stop push
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#Ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #texture #shootfilmbenice, #filmphotography, #believeinfilm
Next week
We're heading into festival season and although wellies are the the 'go to' festival wear here in the UK, we know that some of your summers actually feature sunshine!
For next week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites we're setting the theme of #music. This could be gig shots / instruments /street musicians etc it's up to you.