Friday Favourites #travel Posted On 28th September 2018 To Magazine & Friday Favourites

We've got #travel envy after seeing some of the shots that your shared with us for this week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites.

@stevewhiting “Ninety Degrees of Separation” #fridayfavourites #ilfordphoto #travel #fp4

ps_alpine_photo Morning light in the Lyngen Alps, North Norway. Voigtländer Bessa III, Heliopan yellow filter and ILFORD FP4+ (in ID-11). Nikon Coolscan 8000ED scan.

adibmufty Baalbeck ?: Leica M6 ?: ILFORD PAN F 50 ⚗️: ILFORD ID-11 1+1 ?: Lebanon ??

@timdobbsphoto "Traveling at night" Nikon F100 on ILFORD FP4+ for #fridayfavourites #travel @ILFORDPhoto @EMULSIVEfilm

@Givemeabiscuit St Pancras Station @ILFORDPhoto XP2 Super 400. Olympus OM1n #fridayfavourites #travel
Next week
Hopefully some of you will already have images to hand for next week's theme of #animals. These can be your own furbabies or any furred, feathered or scaly creature. (Be warned though, nothing with 8 legs will be featured!)
Share with us using #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #animals and don't forget to tell us which film you used!