Friday Favourites #wppd20 Posted On 24th April 2020 To Magazine & Friday Favourites

Worldwide Pinhole Photography falls on Sunday 26th April this year, so an #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites theme of #wppd2020 celebrating this seemed apt.
We really hope that some of you will take a pinhole shot on Sunday and then upload it to the WPPD website.

@mparry1234 Roman Baths, Bath 1 on Delta 3200 in the @realitysosubtle 6x6f #wppd2020 #ilfordphoto #believeinfilm #fridayfavourites

@thoobill The Parkes Dish is an Aussie science nerds Mecca. Shot on FP4 plus, October 2019 (those were the days!), in an Ondu 6x17 Rise III. #fridayfavourites #ilfordphoto #wwpd2020

@klizana Walking among redwoods. Camera Ilford TiTAN 4x5 Pinhole Film frames Ilford FP4 Stopwatch 195 secs. exposure
#filmphotography #pinhole #Ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #believeinfilm

@BackEastPhoto "Flow" Scottish Highlands, Summer 2018 @ILFORDPhoto Delta 100 / F76+ / @realitysosubtle 6x6F #wppd2020 #fridayfavourites #ilfordphoto

@paulasmithphoto 'Lockdown homeschooling'. Taken with the Ondu Pinhole 6x6. Film frames @ILFORDPhoto FP4 EI 800 Alembic Ilfotec HC 1+31 at 24c for 11mins #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #wppd2020 #pinhole #believeinfilm
We're looking for all things #silvergelatin for next week's#ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites this could be traditional darkroom prints / lumingrams / sunprints / chemigrams or anything else involving darkroom paper. We can't wait to see what you share.
Just to get you thinking, these are the themes that you can expect to see over the next few weeks.
02nd May - 08th May - #myfirsttime Share your first times with us! Either films that you've process yourself or your first time printing in the darkroom.
09th May - 15th May - #sunshine Let's hope we've all had some by then even if we can only see it from our windows!
16th May - 22nd May - #bestshotsofar Which shot taken this year so far are you most proud of? Share it with us