Friday Favourites #pulledfilm Posted On 24th May 2019 To Magazine & Friday Favourites

We know that many of you enjoy pushing film, and often shoot it far beyond the box speed. For this week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites we wanted to see if the opposite is also true so set you the theme of #pulledfilm.

@BackEastPhoto #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites #pulledfilm @ILFORDPhoto PanF+ / EI 32 / DD-X (1:6) / Hasselblad 501CM #BelieveInFilm

@simonking_v #ILFORDFP4 Shot at ISO 12 at the #deadsea. #ilfordphoto @ilfordphoto #pulledfilm #fridayfavourites #leica #streetphotography

@cpindell1 #ilfordphoto #pulledfilm #fridayfavourites #panF at iso 32. Point Lobos.

@ClickErik 120 #panf shot at 32, developed in Rodinal 1:100 #ilfordphoto #pulledfilm #fridayfavourites
Next week
Most of our ILFORD films tend to fall into either the PLUS or DELTA ranges. For next week's #ilfordphoto #fridayfavourites we're celebrating the #plusfilms and asking for images shot on HP5, FP4 or PANF films.