How I got this picture - David Jones Posted On 15th March 2022 To Magazine & How I got this picture

Dave's photograph received so much engagement and interest when we shared it to Instagram, we had to get in touch so that we could ask how he created this shot.
- Technical info -
Film Used
ILFORD XP2 Super 120
6x6 Medium format
Mamiya 6
55mm f4
Exposure time
4½ minutes
Other equipment
Benro Tripod
New Brighton beach lighthouse, Merseyside.
Firstly, tell us the story behind this image. What inspired you to shoot it?
I was working in New Brighton for a client (I’m a professional photographer) and after the shoot I noticed a storm coming in and the light looked incredibly dramatic. I grabbed my film camera and headed straight for the beach. The tide was out so I could get close to the lighthouse and fill the square frame keeping the lighthouse central. I took 3 shots, one using the cameras internal meter, one long exposure and one more frame to the side where a rainbow had appeared. I used ILFORD XP2 super because I think it’s a fantastically versatile film with excellent latitude. As the clouds where so fast moving I wanted to see what a long exposure would result in.
Did you come across any challenges?
During the 4 ½ minute exposure the storm arrived at my location and the final 2 minutes I had to try and guard the camera from the high wind and hail. I wasn’t sure if the image would remain sharp.
What process did you use (Tripod? Set exposure time? Filters?)
I used a tripod, cable release, 10 stop ND filer and a red filter. I used a phone app to get a basic exposure and then another app for the filters and reciprocity.
How did you process it?
I used a lab to process the film, ILFORD XP2 is great as it is a C41 processed film and any lab can process it. The lab also scanned the negatives for me and the image was lightly edited in Lightroom. Just a little contrast and a very light vignette. Nothing more than what I would have done in a traditional darkroom.
What about printing?
I am yet to print the shot, I'd love to print it in a darkroom, like I used to but I don’t have the means these days.
Image © David Jones
About The Author

David Jones
David Jones has been a professional photographer for 22 years, he is a professional corporate and event photographer that is based in the North West England.