How I Got This Picture - Gosia Janik Posted On 11th July 2023 To Magazine & How I got this picture

Gosia Janik gives us the lowdown on how she captured this striking portrait.
Image Title
Xu Jing
Technical Info
Film Used
Medium format 6x5
Mamiya 645 AFD
Mamiya 80mm f2.8
Exposure time
Home/studio in Madrid
Firstly, tell us the story behind this image. What inspired you to shoot it?
I often work with “new faces” - models that are sent to me by agencies to shoot a session for building or renovating their portfolio.
Xu was sent to me by Viewmanagement agency, which likes a lot analog photos. I take photos both with digital and analog camera, using almost always one film per session. When I see through the digital lens that there is something interesting in the pose or light or anything else, I take my Mamiya and shoot it.
Did you come across any challenges?
I don´t have lots of light in my home, sun doesn’t enter through my window. If I shoot close to the window, my exposure range is from 1/125 to 1/250 if its a really sunny day. If the model is a bit further I can use even 1/45 to get a good exposure. In this case I use also a model light of Elinchrom Octa which was turned on and gave this soft glow on the edge of an arm and leg of my model.
What process did you use?
I almost never use tripod, I feel very limited by it. I love to change lenses, cameras, distances and angles all the time. The tripod would make the flow of my work impossible. I don’t use filters, I really like everything to be as natural as it can be. And I love to work with natural light. In this case the studio light was turned on but even so I only use the model light (which is normal bubble not flash light).
How did you process it?
The films develop my husband Fernando Ocaña who is also a photographer. He develops it in our kitchen using ILFORD ILFOSOL 3 and after he takes photos of negative with digital camera, tripod and macro lens.
What about printing?
I don't have darkroom, that's why I don't print on paper at the moment.
Image - ©Gosia Janik
About The Author

Gosia Janik
I am a portrait photographer with more than 20 years of experience. I am polish but I’ve been living in Madrid for more than 12 years.