Kentmere film has had a face lift Posted On 10th September 2018 To News & Products

Quality, consistency and value
We have always been proud of the quality, consistency and value offered by our Kentmere range of black & white films.
However, following the recent redesign of our ILFORD film packaging earlier this year we noticed that the Kentmere brand and packaging was looking a little old school (but not in a cool, retro way)!
We felt it was time for Kentmere to step out of the shadows and be recognised for the excellent films that they are and so we are pleased to show off their brand new look, complete with a new name.
- #kentmerepan100
- #kentmerepan400
Name change
Kentmere 100 and 400 are now officially known as Kentmere PAN 100 and PAN 400 and both are still available as 24 and 36 exposure 135 cassettes as well as bulk length rolls.
Please note that the films themselves have not changed - just their packaging. They remain the same high quality, excellent value products you would expect.
Share with us
The new packaging is available now and as always we would love to hear your thoughts and see your Kentmere images on our @ilfordphoto social media channels. Please share your images with us using #ilfordphoto #kentmerepan100 #kentmerepan400