Newcastle Street Photographer Posted On 28th July 2022 To Magazine & Stories

Always watchful
As a woman, out and about taking photographs on my own, I try to take care not to put myself at any unnecessary risk. I’m always watchful of anyone taking the wrong kind of interest in me or my gear. I shouldn’t have to worry about things like that but sadly, that’s how life is.
When I go out, I don’t have any expectations of what I’m going to shoot that day because I never know what, or who, will turn up.
Blending In
Through my passion for street photography, I am very interested in people and in people-watching psychology. I’ll hang around a Metro station or a high street, observing everyone.
Where are they all going and what are they doing? Are they heading to work, going home, just out shopping, on holiday, or maybe visiting friends? I’ll try to guess what they’re about, where they’ve come from and what they might do next, putting narratives to my shots. Many of my shots are sneaky ones, where I’ll try to blend into the background and capture them unaware.

I captured this elderly lady sitting on a public bench on Shields Road, Byker. She looked worn out and was sat there for quite a while. Was it queuing to buy a lottery ticket in Little’s News that had finished her off?

A middle-aged lady doing her weekly shop. My Grandma had a trolley like that in the 1970s.
The Kiss Goodbye
I capture people very fast - that’s what street photography is, documenting daily life and its surroundings. And to me, it’s an adrenaline rush knowing I’ve got the shot. There’s no time to hang about - the kiss goodbye will be over. You have to be aware of the body language and anticipate the next move.

Locals in Gosforth’s Central Park. Teenage lads throwing a football, or having a nap on the bench. A grandmother and granddaughter out for a walk and interrupting the ball game. Socially distanced park-benches with people enjoying the spring sunshine.
Those Who Are Inquisitive
In contradiction to shooting fast, I enjoy talking and will happily chat to anybody willing to engage in conversation with me. I often get approached by those who are inquisitive and ask me what I’m taking photos of, and why. It’s all good interaction and I like that.

I caught this elderly man as he came out of a betting shop on Wallsend High Street. Wonder if he backed a winner.? Whilst chatting with the homeless girl sitting on the pavement behind him, she told me she was sleeping on the streets and said she kept getting moved on by the Police. She was very well spoken. I bought her a coffee.
As a rule, I find most people are really cool about having their picture taken, which is good as often there is no time to ask for their permission. However, I make an exception to this if ever I take shots of a homeless person, who might be sitting in a shop doorway or on a street corner. I always talk to them first, usually offer to buy them a coffee or a sandwich, and listen to their story. If they aren’t keen on their picture being taken then that’s fine, I respect that.

A reflection, looking inside out. To take this shot outside Costa on Wallsend High Street, I had to stand next to the fire escape doorway, which absolutely stank of wee. Pavement cafes can be very pleasant in the right weather, but you wouldn’t want to sit out here on a warm day with your skinny latte.
Happy place
I’ve always been driven by the encouragement of my school photography teacher, who taught me to take photos from all different angles, not just at eye level. I don’t ever want to stop learning or taking photos and, as a female street photographer, I hope I can give back some of what I have learned and encourage other women to do the same.
Photography can be a very competitive business, but for me it’s my ‘go to’ happy place. It’s where time stands still, because I am out there doing what I enjoy most in the world, capturing the moment, and I don’t ever want it to end.

Teenage lasses chatting at the bus stop. The woman walking towards me on the left ducked her head as soon as she saw the camera. As if the dark glasses weren’t enough. The woman with the tab behind the bus shelter was even less impressed when she clocked what I was up to.
Cold Sunny Thursday
These images were all taken on a cold, sunny Thursday at the end of April 2022. I shot two rolls of ILFORD HP5 400 film in Wallsend, Byker and Gosforth, which are all in my home area of Tyneside. Using my ever reliable 37 year-old Pentax K1000, with a Takumar-A 28-80mm F3.5-4.5 lens.
Gosforth is quite an affluent area, Wallsend and Byker less so. I also took my Manfrotto 290 Xtra tripod with me (with MHXPRO-3W head), but on the day, I never found the need to use it.

This lovely couple allowed me to take their photo while the lady was having a quick ‘tab break’ on a bench outside Wallsend’s Forum shopping centre.
About The Author

Tracey Jackson
I was born in Newcastle and grew up in the city’s east end. My education was at local comprehensive schools and Newcastle College. I’ve earned a living in a variety of workplaces over the years, from department stores to photo labs, from vegetarian restaurants to care homes. My first camera at age 13 was a pre-loved Ricoh ZF 35mm, which I still have. My earliest inspiration came from my GCSE Photography teacher, Dennis Cowings, who taught me to use an SLR and inspired my love of the viewfinder. More well-known influences are Fay Godwin, Ansel Adams and, from my local area, Jimmy Forsyth, Mik Critchlow and my mentor Jason Warnes. I’ve noticed that most of the well-known street photographers today tend to be men. As a woman, I hope I can offer a different perspective on the life of the street.