HARMAN technology Ltd is a winner in the RoSPA Awards 2015 Posted On 29th July 2015 To News & Corporate

29th July 2015
HARMAN technology Ltd, of Mobberley, Cheshire is among the winners in the RoSPA Occupational Health and Safety Awards 2015.
The Order of Distinction (24 consecutive Golds) award has been received in the prestigious annual scheme run by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA).
As the UK’s family safety charity, RoSPA’s mission to save lives and reduce injuries covers all ages and stages of life. In support of this mission, the RoSPA Awards, which date back 59 years, recognise commitment to continuous improvement in accident and ill health prevention at work. Through the scheme, which is open to businesses and organisations of all types and sizes from across the UK and overseas, judges consider entrants’ overarching occupational health and safety management systems, including practices such as leadership and workforce involvement.
David Rawlins, RoSPA’s awards manager, said: “The RoSPA Awards encourage improvement in occupational health and safety management. Organisations that gain recognition for their health and safety management systems, such as HARMAN technology Ltd, contribute to raising standards overall and we congratulate them.”
Peter Elton, Managing Director at HARMAN technology, said: “Once again, HARMAN has demonstrated a strong HS&E culture. The record over the past 25 years is magnificent. I would like to thank and commend our entire workforce on a great result. Long may it continue!”
The majority of RoSPA’s awards are non-competitive, grading achievement at merit, bronze, silver and gold levels. Organisations that maintain high standards in consecutive years can win gold medals, president’s awards and orders of distinction.
Competitive awards are presented in more than 20 industry sectors, and they also recognise excellence in specialist areas, such as the management of occupational road risk (MORR).
The sponsors of the RoSPA Awards 2015 are: headline sponsor - NEBOSH; The RoSPA International Sector Award - airsweb; The MORR Trophy - Allianz; The International Dilmun Environmental Award - GPIC; The Best New Entry Trophy - Safety and Health Expo; The Workforce Involvement in Safety and Health Trophy - Springfields Fuels; and, The MORR Technology Trophy - Tesco Dotcom.
See www.rospa.com/awards/ for more information about the RoSPA Occupational Health and Safety Awards.