My documentary work

I think there’s something to be said about appreciating the working class African American only when there’s celebrity attached, an abundant amount of material wealth, or high ranking social status. Where does that leave everyday people on their journey through life to feel? Useless? They certainly are not. My documentary work represents the beauty, elegance, and resilience of the working class people in my neighborhood and surrounding.

black and white image shot on ILFORD Delta film by @Rita Harper

I have been documenting my neighborhood in Atlanta, GA for the past 3 years and it’s brought me joy I can't quite explain. I had just left an internship at a beauty studio, and I was yearning to find my true calling with photography. So I took to the streets of Atlanta and began to document the people who inhabit these neighborhoods. To my surprise, they took me in with complete open arms and open minds.

Black Hollywood

Atlanta is considered to be Black Hollywood, and while this is true, underneath all the glitz and glam, lie the true aboriginals of Atlanta who are the true thread of the culture and deserve to be seen as such. It’s the old man in his chevy on the corner, the girl working the tax center, and the warm spirits that make Atlanta communities what they are known to be.

Preconceived Notions

These photos are intimate portraits of people I find to exude a natural elegance and strength. They reside in neighborhoods close to me that are in danger of becoming extinct due to new developments taking place. I want to capture an emotion that can be transferred from subject to viewer. I hope to humanize my subjects in a way so that viewers empathize, not sympathize with them. I hope these photos can stand to alter narratives and shift preconceived notions of people from these communities.

black and white image shot on ILFORD Delta film by @Rita Harper

Images shot on DELTA Professional films